Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Interesting Article from Web

Today there have been many posts, by many different posters, and some who have even added accounts today. I've read them all, and thought it was time to add my own thoughts.

We all read various posts, and obviously have our own opinions & conclusions when we read them. The Hub Leaders read them all, and many times spend a considerable amount of time on the side discussing some of them. We all take something very different out of each & every post. That's the beauty of it, we all have different opinions, and that's awesome!

However, I guess the one thing I can add though, as I've mentioned in the past, please remember the Hub Leaders are privy to many things that go on behind the scenes. The flagged & removed posts that all of you don't see, the PM's we receive, etc, again trust me, we have reasons for things we do & things we post & say.

Oct 24, 2011 was an extremely long & frustrating day for all the Hub Leaders. Many, many things were going on behind the scences! It was a day that all the Hub Leaders were ready to pack it in! Agoracom reviewed and dealt with the issues at that time, a few days later Primed had said "goodbye to all", he was moving on, and since then the board has been functioning just fine for the most part. As Primed said that day, for those who wish to keep in contact, or review his work, feel free to visit his blog, and that's great.

I see today, as a start of a repeat situation with all the posting, and comments. I sure hope I'm wrong! I no doubt enjoy the positive, the constructive negative, and all the DD most everyone brings to the table. I honestly hope, that's as far as it all goes though!

Everyone is obviously welcome, but not if, & when they have a hidden agenda!

Time will Tell, and our tolerance will be very low, as Sculpin has already alluded to!

Please all try to remember when you're justifying peoples actions or posts, or that Hub Leaders should have acted or responded differently than you may think, I will assure you, there are many things, that many of you are totally unaware of, that justify our actions & comments.


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