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Message: Assay results poll

I as well expected to get a rise in share price from EIS news and I shared those expectation with Kherson at the 2010 AGM. Kherson wasn't convinced that we'd get a rise in share price and he was correct. Kherson felt that it still wasn`t any material news therefore may not do anything and that turned out to be true.

Remember that most Longs are holding as many shares as they likely ever will and they are not going to be the buyers when this starts to move. We need to find more and wealthier buyers and thats why the promo tour is still important. The share price will not move with out new investors whether or not they may be potential bidders for Tesoro.

There will always be traders in our market,,, thats just the nature of the business and if there are not buyers then it is easy for a share price to sell down. News is all we can rely on and I feel we are very close. I`m also confident it will be good.

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