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Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Anonymous selling

Its trader Anon thats selling us down since sept-oct. As far as I know there is little retail selling and this is not doing the damage to the sp. There has to be a buyer for every seller, Anon sold about 2 million shares in that time frame, but 2 million shares have been bought by the 4 main houses that do cross trades with Anon. It looks like there may be manipulation by Anon to accumulate shares for the other houses. I would like help on looking at this possibilty and will post the link again to my post of last night where I ask for help by someone knowledgeable on this subject. As far as I know, retail investors cannot trade under Anonymous, can anyone answer this question?


As far as I know we have no institutions with great amounts of shares in our stock, so it looks like one entity doing the selling, or what appears to be selling. It could be accumulation disguised as selling. You have to remember this is a tightly held stock and that someone who wanted a million shares is not going to get them on the open market, if you look at your ask side on the level11, you will be able to see this very easily.

Some of you can say conspiracy theories, but please don,t be naive to the unscrupulous ways for big players to get what they want.

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