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Message: Re: Any concerns call Murry
Jan 17, 2012 03:01PM
Jan 17, 2012 04:09PM
Jan 17, 2012 04:21PM
Jan 17, 2012 04:28PM
Jan 17, 2012 05:09PM

Nothing new to share, other than what we all ready know. Murry never discusses confidential info with me. I'd characterize my visit with Murry as more of a personal visit.

We talked lots about his very successfully hip to China and he's excited to go back with some awesome assay results in his back pocket. He's disappoint about what happened, like the rest of us, but has all the confidence in the world that better days are ahead.

I will say this and this is my opinion only. Murry has worked tirelessly for this company for 8 plus years. Even when he takes a small break, he has his phone with him, so really it's not a break. This is what I'd like to see. I'd like to see Murry stay on as a Director but a IR person step up, someone that Murry can mentor and eventually pass the torch to. I'm worried that this constant pressure, day after day, is going to take a toll on our dear friend .

The other Jr. stocks I own have IR people, but these they work out of head office and have regular hours like the rest of us. Maybe Murry should do the same. Turn off his phone at 5pm so he can spend some quiet time with his family, go to a movie or whatever and turn it back on again at 8am.

Jan 17, 2012 05:24PM
Jan 17, 2012 05:28PM
Jan 17, 2012 05:49PM
Jan 17, 2012 06:10PM
Jan 17, 2012 06:40PM
Jan 18, 2012 12:30AM
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