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Message: How did the stock get to $2.78 last year?


you say ;

"My background is leadership development in the financial services industry. I teach leadership, communications and sales, so undoubtedly I'm biased on the leadership side."

Interesting, do you believe a strong leadership quality would be, inconspicuous and don,t reveal all your info until you are ready?

A strong leader has a plan or strategy, I believe Lori has just that. A strong leader has a committee to advise, I believe she has that. By having numerous advisors, for every one you have, the lesser the chance for making stupid moves. We may be in a precarious situation right now with our sp in regards to a hostile bid if it were believed that we have something coveted. By seeing the unseen, gives me comfort in knowing that Lori knows what she is doing by not letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing.

For the little I know about leadership qualities, I honestly believe Lori has many of them.


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