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Message: Re: NRs-Re: It's a great weekend to go short hunting!

Quartz can be many colors originally, and can be stained different colors as well. Sulfide staining here will turn the Quartz yellow on the surface but it is easily distinguished between gold and staining. I was told that the yellow in this rock is gold but its too hard for me to confirm from a picture.

The pink is what the informales used as a gold indicator on the property, and said they would look for this color because it meant that gold was close by. The Pink to me looks more like pegmatic material but I thought I read in a tech report that it was red ocher and was most likely the oxidized sulfates or limonite. There is also a yellow ochre found in some parts of the world, but I was told that this is gold in this photo and there is no mention of yellow ocher in any reports of the Tesoro.


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