Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Risk/ Reward profile for SLI

OK It's a Friday ...the stock has been killed over the last month or two. What's the downside this week or even next?.....$.60 maybe

What's the upside with a good drilling report or a possible take over attempt.....$3-$5 maybe!

It just doesn't make any sense not to be long SLI at this point and especially before a 3 day weekend. Watch the stock climb before every weekend if the smart traders are reading these posts now. I would have to be insane to take a 3 day risk with the potential upside from some good NR. I won't even take a one day chance with the current risk/reward dynamics at this time. It's a no brainer.....Go long. If you loved SLI at $2+ you should really love it at $.70. My opinion....Obviously, I'm a big believer in SLI's future. People like Sculp keep me going. JW

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