Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Years

I know Mr. Hobbes loves to say "HIS opinion" to anything said that hints at the downside risks of this investment, however, Grumpy is correct. Proving up a viable deposit takes years. This is fact. The only exception would be if future drill results ended up being so fantastic that SLI would be in a position to raise a pile of money and commence a massive drill program that would prove up a deposit in much less time (See Ventana's 11 drill rigs proving up 3 million ounces over the course of a year).

I say this is fact because all you have to do is look at what has come before. I'm following 20 or so gold explorers at various stages of proving up gold deposits. It takes years and hundred of thousands of meters of drill core. And that's with drill results that smoke SLI's current results.

You can say this is my opinion all you like, but in the end, I merely point to the historical posts Mr. Hobbes has been kindly posting to prove my point. Since 2005 when SLI was reporting exceptional bulk sampling results, how many years have now gone by and how many ounces have been proven up?

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