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Message: SLI Question & Answer

I was going through the Q&A tonight and found something that I would say is a little condradicting.

Here are the answers to several of the questions:

-Management will be putting out a news release regarding the status of the Tesoro as well as a news release on the status of each of our properties.

-That information will be announced in a news release.

-That information will be announced in a news release as it is “material information”

-That information will be announced in a news release as it is “material information”

But then on page 5 when asked when Lori is going to put out an official news release, the answer is:

-At this point in time there is no need for an official news release by Lori as there is no new information to be released. Management is actively working on getting everything ready for the AGM which will be held in Vancouver on November 27th at a venue to be announced

Hmmm, seems a bit strange to me?

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