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Message: Re: Not Good News

Dec 19, 2012 04:34PM
Dec 19, 2012 04:41PM
Dec 19, 2012 05:15PM
Dec 19, 2012 06:02PM
Dec 19, 2012 06:20PM
Dec 19, 2012 06:55PM
Dec 19, 2012 06:58PM
Dec 19, 2012 07:20PM
Dec 19, 2012 07:49PM
Dec 19, 2012 08:28PM
Dec 19, 2012 09:22PM
Dec 20, 2012 10:04AM
Dec 20, 2012 10:04AM

I am confident everything will work out fine for us. A huge profile seems to have been made of all the questionable things Lori has done to SLI shareholders and is now spilling into questionable things with Intigold(IGD) as well. The bigger this problem gets and affects more investors, the more eyes that open. Lori has not only risked losing SLI but also IGD as well with her current endeavour of sending out 2 different IGD circulars. One or two little questionable things done sometimes are over looked and dont mean much and can be passed off as mistakes, but when those little things grow severely in number, they create a very large picture that becomes easy to see that all may not be mistakes. When this picture is big enough and entwines several different aspects of running a public company, one surely has to look considerably at the experience and capability of running a public company. For regulators to allow a person that has made so many blunders and has did so many things not in the best interests of the shareholders to continue to hold office, will be a total embarrassment to the regulatory system. I would assume that the regulators will soon have to make a move or allow this to blow up and encompass many more accountability issues in regard to their protection of shareholders. Under the Negligence Act and in Civil Liability, this could be turned back onto the regulators and such, causing them to pay the legal bills encountered by shareholders. Something I don,t believe the regulators and level of governments would want, so this cannot be swept under a rug, its growing and its their choice. We have planted the seeds that will force them to act and disallow them to ignore our voice.

thank you



Dec 20, 2012 01:09PM
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