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Message: Be Careful What You Wish For

Hey Folks;

Just listening to the radio as I post this--and one of my favorite songs is playing---Stuck in The Middle With You- by "Stealers Wheel" Kind of ironic isn't it.

Kinda hard to concentate cuz as the words in the song say "I'm so scared I could fall off my chair" LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.

Careful with the music Lyeri cuz it speaks volumes.

Imagine my surprise that the song that followed the "Stealers Wheel" song was an oldie by Hall And Oates---wait for it ------yes its was----- "Private Eyes --They're Watchin You"

Can't wait----bring it on sweetheart--hate fighting --but never walked away from one in my life.

Nuff Said


Alice Cooper obviously had it right.

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