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Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: HYPERMAN ISNT CRAZY..we wanted the truth.

Well hi there Hyper/CrazyMan. Do you not find it a little strange that SLI management has spent their entire Saturday making childish posts on a public forum?

Does that not make you wonder why the shareholders DO NOT want them managing our company? Why would you believe that this crap is the truth, and if it is the truth, do you not think that they would be keeping it quiet until the proper authorities dealt with it?

Come on Hyper, our CEO has told us time and time again that we are sitting on a major gold find!! Don't you see the desperation in those posts? Use common sense, they are saying the Greens attempted the abduction of Lori's son (who by the way, most people didn't even know she had a young boy). Good Lord!!!!!! I'll bet you that the so called botched abduction attempt didn't cut into her standing reservation at Ewe's!

I for one cannot believe that these people are managing our company!!

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