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Message: Re: Boycott the PP? IMPORTANT
Sep 16, 2013 03:41AM
Sep 16, 2013 06:56AM

Sep 16, 2013 06:59AM
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Sep 17, 2013 11:38AM
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Sep 17, 2013 01:00PM
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Sep 17, 2013 01:24PM

Thanks for the opinion Aim, and I concur.

Its time again, but to elaborate, just a wee bit more on some of the other weird things some shareholders have been encountering. And shareholders, you know of who I speak. It is your choice of course to back up my post here or remain silent, but I suggest, if you remain silent, you only help the weird things continue and engulf not only you, but perhaps all shareholders involved here.

In the real world, when organized crime is involved in any valuable thing and they wish to control it or cover up their dirty work, they will go to extreme measeures to do this. These criminals succeed when they are able to intimidate and silence people that speak up, keeping everything off the radar and out of the publics eye. Whenever they have to deal with a large group, their job at coverup becomes much harder, and when people can,t be intimidated, becomes harder yet and there occassionally comes a time when they can,t cover it up, and get caught.

In our predicament, we have seen several shareholders intimidated that we know of, I suspect there are probably more shareholders, that have been silenced by intimidation, that we do not know of. It doesn,t matter how many have been intimidated at this very second, the most important thing is, that to have even one intimidated, shows the presense of crime. That shows us that crime is involved here, among so many more things that the general public is not aware of at this time.

You would not witness the criminal tactics to a degree that shareholders are, if there was not anything valuable here and if your shares were worth nothing. Its all about shares and getting control of this company/property. I have had death threats with this stock as well as other shareholders being intimidated and their phones and computers being compromised. This is no paranoia by us, and there is definitely nothing wrong with our sanity, when it has happened to several and it can be attested. There is much documentation of everything we could find over the years, and this is disseminated, it was never kept in just one place with one copy, it was kept in many places with many different copies, and still is at this very time.

We have seen our private board hacked a couple times, and perhaps some investors still cannot get back in there. We have seen our chat ap taken from the site as well. These are common tactics used by criminals, take out the oponents communication if it can,t be handled by simple intimidation first. Divide and conquer rings so true here with our situation, don,t submit to their tactics, resist it and get everything in the open, to expose them, then they will have to relinquish control of you and their fear tactics will have no power over you whatsoever. Stand up and keep together, crime cannot exist against something as powerful as people standing together and exposing the criminal behaviour.Don,t let them have power over you, use your voice.

There are hundreds of us shareholders, if not 1000,s that know this is happening, and more of the public is becoming aware all the time, expand this by even telling friends, media and whatever, to get this out in the open. Any criminal would be totally foolish to try to physically hurt some shareholder at this time, it would only finger point the perpetrator, so the criminals are weak now because of this. This is why its time for more of you to come forward with your stories, don,t have fear, when you relinquish that fear they have over you, it relinquishes their control and weakens them.

This is no bull shit, and has to be done now, this has gone on long enough and the inaction by regulators, authorities and such to help is, is a sign that we must act on our own, or end up having whatever it is we have, stole from us. Its totally weird and seeminly unjust that no actions have been taken yet by authorities, and that everything we have tried to do has been shot down. These are so blatant injustices, yet it continues, so what are we left to believe? We have every right to be suspicious of those put there to protect us, when you see them not protecting us. Shareholders are not dumb and they certainly are not paranoid or insane, they know what the real world is and how it works.

Many shareholders phones and computers have been compromised. Emails have been acting weird, as with my recent letters to media. My phones have had calls blocked with important people not being able to reach me. I have been targeted in more ways than one ,financially burdened is only one of those instruments used against me.Pieces of private telephone conversations end up being put on the boards by some bashers, once is a coincidence, but not time after time. Only a fool would believe its a coincidence when it happens so many times.

Its weird to all us shareholders that our geo friends , and many of them I may add, proclaim that the Tesoro data looks very promising before the drilling, with several after the drilling scratching their heads and saying a total disconnect between historical data and actual results. If you consult 20 geos/geophysicists, and their opinion is much all the same, thats a professional opinion and should be able to be counted on.

Look at the astrocity of the AGM and all court proceedings to date. Everything that has happened is a total and blatant contradiction to shareholders rights and democracy and integrity of the markets. For us shareholders to be continuously be taken advantage of, and regulators and law seem to be condoning these types of actions in favour of the perpetrator/s, it clearly shows that the few powerful has full control over the many not powerful, and the only way to change this, is to inform the rest of the not so powerful, because by now, I know many of them have had their own run ins with so many other injustices and know exactly that things are not right in the real world, and the only way to change this is to expose and standup, and be heard.

If there was very little on the Tesoro, who would go through all these desperate attempts at silencing shareholders, who would care to even bother to intimidate? For that aspect to be very apparent here, it tells you that the Tesoro must be very valuable. Take off any rose coloured glasses, so one may be able to see exactly whats going here with SLI. All significant facts point to this being big, the little facts are not relevant, whereas they may be noise to try and cover the big picture. Your evidence, once examined, reveals the truth.

Bottom line, someone wants your shares, don,t let them have them, and stand strong here and together, this will payoff big for us, one way or another. If you want things to happen quicker, you must start talking and voicing your opinion today. You can even help get the media and government things circulated, whereas my computer does not seem to be getting all the media stuff out, I am getting no acknowledgements from a lot of them, causing me to suspect that my emails are being intercepted. So to help, please shareholders, get those letters to the media by email and governments, and document everything with back up files and a tangible paper trail as well, for proof that you sent them, and proof also that the recipients received them.

Thank you


Sep 17, 2013 04:10PM
Sep 17, 2013 04:33PM
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