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Message: U.S. Army????

Wow, I was just listening to the 2011 A.G.M. audio to see what Bow was referring to and I kind of got sidetracked at the 1 hour 36 minute mark where she was talking about a war hero that she met by the name of Dakota Meyer:

"He is now one of our people, whatever we need, any protection, he is on our side"

Then she talks a bit more about him and how his P.R. agents were circling them telling him, Dakota we got to get out of here, you got a 6 o'clock with CNN and he responded "No, I'm staying and partying with her"

Then the really interesting part:

"and he is offering his help when we need it.... and the U.S...ahh...basically the U.S. Army"

Now my question is, why would we need protection or help from the U.S. Army???

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