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Message: Re: B.C property transactions
Jul 18, 2014 08:19AM
Jul 18, 2014 08:26AM
Jul 18, 2014 08:31AM
Jul 18, 2014 09:31AM
Jul 18, 2014 10:54AM
Jul 18, 2014 03:10PM
Jul 18, 2014 03:14PM

The average salary for geologists in Canada is around $73,000 for a Geologist 1, and around $ 137,000 for a Geologist 5. If we take James Thom salary from your post Molson, $750 per day. And assume he works a consevative 200 days per year, this puts his salary at a whopping$150,000 per year, well above the industry standard for junior miners and perhaps independents. And, whereas it has been rumoured that James Thom really didn,t qualify to run the Tesoro exploration/drilling program, I find it very difficult to justify the wage paid to Thom by IGD.

I further question the rate paid on the rental truck, $300 per day, this seems high.

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