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Message: Shine fades on Scotiabank over alleged price manipulation! National Post...

I hope that some folks have thought about what I alluded to in my last post about the lawsuits against the banks who control "the fix" and how a gigantic mine on the Tesoro would have affected "the fix".

Let's say for argument's sake that it was proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Tesoro has a super amount of gold! In an instance, in my opinion, the banks behind the gold cartel would have been rendered obsolete in controlling the gold price and more importantly, a major world financial upheaval would have occurred!

The real issue may not be about mining the gold and who gets to keep it, but more along the lines of keeping it in the ground so that it doesn't adversely affect the status quo! Having said that, there would be no reason not to allow someone to remove a little gold now and then to help pay the power bill or buy a new truck or a boat!

We all know that the Tesoro had some amazing grades of ore and we also know exactly where that gold came from! To believe that drilling yielded nothing is rather far fetched because the deposit was not a Placier deposit!


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