Message: question to Mr VOISIN

I can't understand why you think you're going to miss out on anything. The miners and metal have different cycles, the miners generaly trade multiples of the performance of the metal when they move anyway. Also the types of miner, ie major, junior producer, or explorer move at different times, not all together, and if you've already had a 100% move upwards off the bottom, it's natural to expect that the stock will consolidate before it goes any higher.

There's no likelyhood of the USD paying off it's debt any time soon, so what's the rush?, IMO you haven't missed anything, just sit tight and wait for things to happen, we han't got UC as a producer in the share price yet, and we certainly havent got the current price of silver and gold. It's just a matter of time before it catches up. Some institutions have a mandate to only buy producers, other's won't buy penny stocks.

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