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Oi, Yankee Gringo, keep yer cottin pickin chow hooks off of my pretty mule !!

As for the Yesca property, I am sure that you will have no problems in disposing of your shares. You can then catch another rising star, but which one is guarenteed to ultimately surpass UC's La Yesca ?

I have no idea what problems Jim may be facing on the mill setup and refinement, but I 'can' guarentee that he isn't living the life of riley and dissapation on some secluded tropical beach with almost nekked, lovely gals feeding him peeled grapes and booze while he relaxes in a hammoc, being gently swung and fanned.

Incidentally, has Scotsdale finally cleared up it's illegal and drug problems?

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. On second thought Az, let's go join him if he IS on a a tropical beach.

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