Message: Re: meow lover (a-1)
Jul 28, 2012 10:38PM
"And just how do you know that it isn''t running very productively right now? that it isn't being reported just yet for many reasons," Because it is material news and is REQUIRED to be reported? And btw, the $6 million was the proceeds of sale of ucs interest in the rof. How much has been lost on that timely investment in Sprott Silver Trust? Maybe we should stick to gettin the mill producing and lnvest our funding for future capital expenditures in less risky investments.....ummm. Like cash or overnigh deposits......just saying, maybe the "boys" shouldnt be bettng the goicery money at the casino? Note to truck - i always love individuals, when asked tough questions or contrarian thoughts, who say...."well...duh...just sell then if you dont like it.....priceless debating skills! Cheers Camper
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