Message: As to pumpers, bashers and PMS

PMS. Private Message Sendin. There is a lot of it going on in this community. More than on any other site I partake of. Oft times there is private disclosure of further buying of shares, kept private in order that it not be construed as "Pumping"

Pumping. We, and myself in particular have been accused of same. If asking Gary and Jim publically and privately if they even know what a Millwright is, if that is pumping, guilty as charged. If publically disclosing that one is buying shares here is pumping, then a bunch of us are guilty. If I publically disclose that I detoured into Barkerville and Eagle Hill is pumping UC, then again, guilty as charged.

So, in fairness, I must axe, are we a collective of pumpers? Are we self-dillusional? Is this some form of mass hysterectomy? And further, do we need to be saved from our delusions? Have y'all been sneakin into mi casa, snitchin my beer, gettin buzzed and buying UC? The door is Never locked, by the way, so leave a tooney for the beer. My daughter brought her Rottwheeler cross with her and he is rather protective, so be careful. Best to come by when I am home on the weekends and Oscar the Grouch (Rotty) has his muzzler on. Always have lots of beer and a whole bunch of liquor left from Christmas. We don't drink much hard stuff here, reserved for quests. And to sterilize bite wounds. Nuff said.

Bashing. You know, I've had my arse handed to me very many times on some of my stock selections. Redfern Resources comes to mind immediately. Golden Hope another recent flub. You will not see me going back on these boards and publically whining about the results. You get knocked down, you shut up, take the pain and come back swingin. "I get knocked down, but I get up again" I should write a song.

"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul" Invictus. Required reading before investing in TSX-V. Nuff said.

So that's it then. By the way, mind the Cat. She correctly predicted that commercial production would likely be on the year end. Some 4 days before Gary more or less confirmed same. Never mind with the "Follow the Money" Follow the Cat.

And go and see the Tundra Swans. You will nay be dissappointed.

Hoov thinks that my recent de-thronin and re-thronin may have been a technical glitch due to numbers. For a bit there, I was thinking it might have been something much more sinister. Who cares. I will always be there for y'all. Till I fall off the roof or Momma finally sticks me for real. Did I mention she has a friend that got a deuce less house arrest for attempting to Bobbitt a dude in B.C.? He bled out and died. Got a deuce less house. Can you imagine. Fixin to buy some chain mail undies to wear under me birdie pants. Fella can't be too careful.

Got me first cheque from Canada Pension on Wednesday. It feels good to get paid for simply staying above ground. Feels damn good. Bout friggin time. Goin to point out to Momma that I, in fact, will continue to get paid for breathin and that all the money goes into a spousal RSP. Perhaps this will temper the need for the chain mail undies. Nuff said.

As always, feel free to swat me nose with a rolled up newspaper if I have offended. I am now goin to Youtubby to listen to James Brown "Give it up or turnit aloose" Jungle Groove remix. Goes well with my idea of birdie love. Google it yerselves.

Hugs and Kisses


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