Message: Yo, bubbas

I ain't dead. Yet. Just a flesh wound. Working even harder lately.

That grizzle bear get ya in the eyeball too, Hoov? Get better by the golf tournament. I very much enjoy guzzlin yer beer. I had cataracts young, then a thing called "chronic bletheritis, apparently from keeping my eyes open too much, then rubbed my eyes while sleeping, and one of them razor sharp eye boogers scratched my cornea. Was on the waiting list for transplant, but begged off. I'd probably get a cornea from a fancy boy, and start lookin' at the other lads hind ends. Or and axe murderer. I can see out of the eye anyway, just looks like a foggy day all the time.

I don't think the announcement of commercial production should be expected very early. I am sure there are many machinations that the bean counters must go through. The persperation produced on June 30 would take a bit of time to ship and refine and sell.

Commercial production is pretty much a given I think. More important is the actual revenue, whether the declaration is done this month or not.

By the by, did anyone ever figure out exactly what amount of money we earned in quarter ended March 31? I've not actually seen that number, and don't have the time to figure it out.

Get busy on that, one of y'all. Royal decree. Oops. Personal plea, rather. Not royalty any more.

Happy 4th down there Ole Blue Eye. See ya at golf.

Hope to see lots of ya's at golf.

Crackin a beer now, and puttin in a window.

This old house gonna be the death o me. Every time I do something, and open up a wall, it's "Oh crap, this other thing is also buggered." "Oh no, the sink ain't vented" You know what I mean. Disaster DIY got nothin' on my arse. I give half of me dangly bits to have Bryan Baumbuster show up.

Later gang,


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