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Diversified rapidly growing global company

Message: MM CDEL

Took the rest of MM CDEL at 4 cents. So much for not buying more lol


sure looks like additional share supply hit the market once the stop sign was lifted. Note & restricted stake/shareholders able to convert and sell/cash in after long delays and their capital tied up.


concerned with the lack of information/urgency about the 2019 audit by management. It might point to strategy shift away from franchising to acquisition of competitors and possible more JV with private investors like John Fox. 
At this stage franchising has done nothing so far anyway but without audit 2019, no franchise strategy anymore there also wouldn't be an uplist to higher exchanges. 

Itvwill take LOT more time & patience for this investment to bring any substantial returns IMO


sure does NOT help that Roger / Ben decides to go tightlips in addition as well. Just do NOT understand their thought process! 

hope your wife is ok

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