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Diversified rapidly growing global company

Message: MM CDEL

I had many discussions with Ben last summer about auditing firms and he asked about good names or suggestions. My immediate direct answer was BIG 4! Probably pay more but with RBSM and all these delays it costs us a fortune and lost time etc. BIG 4 will bring full spectrum of in-house expertise regarding international expansion, merger or franchise accounting and timely execution! 

unfortunately I believe the email is real and from Ben, since I have received similar comments about the 2018 audit and his personal feeling. Last inquiries have been not been answered by Roger or Ben which is either childish and not wanting to listen to constructive criticism or their new legal department/counsel advised them to cut down the personal contact with selective/all shareholders! 

either way with CFOSquad, LiveCA and additional accounting staff hired there should be NO questions how to handle a simple 2019 audit. It's not rocket science !

Also if neither Roger or Ben can't handle to take charge of the MOST important business certification for institutional investors then HIRE somebody!! 
Ignoring it or pushing it off will certainly hurt the company in the short & long run!

Please everybody here submit constructive emails to both to kick in gear with 2019 audit it's beyond ridiculous already!


good luck

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