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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Re: Sinopec eyes overseas acquisitions


Actually, gasoline mileage here for some vehicles is much better than you might expect. For instance I drive a fully loaded Buick LeSabre, which is a big luxury car. Yet, I get over the road on trips 52 km per gallon. Now even some of the trucks are getting 30 km per gallon.

My own experience in European driving was rather extensive for an American. Frankly, I loved Euopean driiving. But, my experience was that there was not all that much difference in petro mileage. One diffeence in Euope vs America is in the quality of tires. As the speeds driven in Europe and particularly in Germany, are so much higher, a better quality tire is required. US tires are not even legal on German roads.

Likely the major difference here in driving is the distances involved. If I wish to visit my brother who lives in Arizona, I have a nearly 3,000 km drive.

As to Connacher. It is my opinion that petrol prices and oil prices will in fact be going up between now and year end. Likely to the $60.00 to $80.00 range.


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