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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Re: Sinopec eyes overseas acquisitions

hopefully this post is "tongue in cheek"baseing investments decisions on innuendo and slanted ANALysis of facts is not very sound,Connachers woes are based on bbl pricing ,management has reacted responsibly in these dire times.

The basis for recovery IMHO will start with a DEMAND for Oil and its byproducts, as such Connacher is advantageously in position to REAP the benefits said position includes the Montana Refinery and Luke ng.

bbl price will escalate in the short term as recovery takes place ,for the longterm PEAK Oil the increase in DEMAND and the lack of SUPPLY will see prices escallating well into the future,not even alternatives will stop this escalation as the scarcity of this commodity(Oil) .

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