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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Re: Outlook not so good

Jul 01, 2010 01:09PM

Jul 01, 2010 03:02PM

Jul 02, 2010 06:42AM

Jul 02, 2010 11:53AM

Jul 02, 2010 07:29PM

Jul 02, 2010 10:36PM

Jul 03, 2010 08:08AM

Jul 05, 2010 11:19AM


I just found this opinion from a guy on the other board.

He 's telling many things like probably me and you have the same vision.It's better not to stand still on what that management has done and how they brought their 2 companies into such narrow shoes.Today again minus 4 % at current time though volumes are very low these days so maybe some daytraders in action.Very strange stock and with production not so far away it shows not a sign of faith.

Here is that opinion

There is more to this stocks share price problems than a simple smackdown before production starts. Ask yourself why the share price is where it currently sits (please drop in your favourite conspiracy theory) and then ask yourself, it was much higher prior to the start up of Algar (so how low do they want it to go?). And then again, ask yourself, why do the big players continually sell off this stock? What is it about the company, its management, its vision, its share dilution, its massive debt, its poison pill, its purchase of Luke at sky high prices, its rewarding of insiders with options, its inablity to borrow further so share dilution is the only way to go, that would make this an unlikely candidate to move higher. Then ask yourself why the stock retreated from $6.00+ with 35 million outstanding shares to its current price with almost half a billion outstanding shares and absolutely massive debt. Then ask yourself how the institutions would view a company using borrowed money to maintain its 26% working interest in PDP only to see the share price fall further when that same company at one time owned PDP, made a sweet deal for someone but not CLL shareholders to sell it off but continue to manage it, and then, not begin to sell off as the share price of PDP went north of $20.00 whose sale of said shares would have resulted in CLL not having to dilute the outstanding shares or borrow the same amount of money. Do you think that institutions might just feel the company does not have a visionary management team or is it just share price manipulation downwards before production startup?

Jul 05, 2010 02:12PM

Jul 05, 2010 03:57PM
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