Welcome to the Connacher Oil and Gas Hub on AGORACOM

Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Surprise Equity Offering

Hi Syl:

I will miss not having you around. We did not always agree. But, you seemed to be a square shooter who always said what he believed. Regardless of whether someone agreed with that opinion or not. I apppreciate such people regardless of whether we agree in every instance or not.

I assure you that I am not playing games in either my opinions or actions. It is fully my intention to not lose money in this SOB of a stock regardless of the perpetual victimization actions of Management, the blood sucking institutions or any other entity. As to how I itend to accomplish such will need to remain confidential for the present.

As to your suspicions regarding myself and my motives, I can only state that I am a square shooter who does not try to make money through the victimization of others. Never have and never will. I only play those games with people who intentionally try to do me harm or take advantage of me. It has never even occured to me that you fit in such a category.

It is with sorrow that I observe your departure. But then, bad opportunistic, manipullative Corporate Management and the policies their actions cause in shareholder reactions are understandable. The difference between us is that we have different approaches in how we deal with manipulative forces.

My best wishes and regards.

Brian Miller

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