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Message: Re: EGYPT

Jan 28, 2011 06:47PM
Jan 29, 2011 12:32AM

Jan 29, 2011 01:37AM

Jan 29, 2011 07:43AM

Jan 29, 2011 07:50AM

Jan 29, 2011 10:28AM

Jan 29, 2011 10:56PM

She does not believe that the Brotherhood is that much of a violent organization. She said that it certainly was very fundamentalist forty years ago, but she also feels that it has been diluted significantly over the past few decades because many of the radicals would have moved to Afghanistan. Their big presence now is helping the people during times of trouble, ie. disasters, etc. So she offered an interesting bit of food for thought: if Mubarek is replaced and suddenly there is a government that does more for the people, this might actual diminish the power base of the brotherhood because they would no longer be needed as much. She didn't feel that the brotherhood would actually think that way, but said that it was one possibility that she has wondered about.

I think it is interesting that not much has happened yet in other countries, ie. this is not a contagion that is really spreading yet. I guess maybe everyone is standing back and holding their breath instead, watching what happens in Egypt.

She did mention that there have been a few cases whereby part of a group of protesters has specifically taken actions that would align them with a particular religious background, but that others around them have invariably quickly suggested that these delineations are not constructive - it needs to be all the people of Egypt against Mubarak, not based on specific religious considerations.

Jan 30, 2011 03:21PM

Jan 30, 2011 04:07PM

Jan 30, 2011 11:09PM
Jan 31, 2011 12:31AM
Jan 31, 2011 12:56AM
Jan 31, 2011 01:28AM

Jan 31, 2011 07:05AM

Jan 31, 2011 07:19AM

Jan 31, 2011 07:29AM
Jan 31, 2011 10:11AM

Jan 31, 2011 10:56AM

Jan 31, 2011 11:45AM
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