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Connacher is a growing exploration, development and production company with a focus on producing bitumen and expanding its in-situ oil sands projects located near Fort McMurray, Alberta

Message: Re: EGYPT

Jan 28, 2011 06:47PM
Jan 29, 2011 12:32AM

Jan 29, 2011 01:37AM

Jan 29, 2011 07:43AM

Jan 29, 2011 07:50AM

Jan 29, 2011 10:28AM

Jan 29, 2011 10:56PM

Jan 30, 2011 03:11PM

Jan 30, 2011 03:21PM

Jan 30, 2011 04:07PM

Jan 30, 2011 11:09PM
Jan 31, 2011 12:31AM
Jan 31, 2011 12:56AM
Jan 31, 2011 01:28AM

Jan 31, 2011 07:05AM

Jan 31, 2011 07:19AM


I disagree.. Russia will do very little to intervene as high oil prices benefit them..NATO is impotent and Obama is a Muslim sympathiser..Europe doesn't have the balls to go to war over anyhting...You're also forgetting that if the Muslim Brotherhood makes a move, Iran, will probably start messing around in the Straights of Hormuz thus tying up the U.S Navy.

So there's 2 oil choke points with potential trouble Suez and The Strait of Hormuz. Either one would send oil up but if both are pooched who knows what will happen.

As for CLL if the Middle east goes up in smoke then Oil sands companies should rise in value simply because The sands are the largest reserves in a safe country.

Jan 31, 2011 10:11AM

Jan 31, 2011 10:56AM

Jan 31, 2011 11:45AM
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