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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: BCV authorizes the mixed industry to export 50% of gold

BCV authorizes the mixed industry to export 50% of gold

posted on Dec 09, 2009 05:41AM
BCV authorizes the mixed industry to export 50% of gold
Wednesday, 09 of December of 2009

Indeed, resolution 090603, establishes that the mixed company can export 50% of its production, previous consultation to the BCV.

  • Isidro Casanova

The fact that the Central bank of Venezuela - BCV- has emitted two resolutions, second modifying terms of first, causes certain confusion in the industry of gold and it has caused that a delegation of unions of Guayana, went to the Central bank to meet with Jose Dog, one of the directors to whom they attribute the sense of the resolutions, but did not manage to contact it.

The unionists, liderizados by Duglas Robles, of the union of PMG, cradle in the Pebble, consider that the rest of the industry is put under that they sell to the BCV 75% to him of his production, paid with controlled dollar, whose value is below the real market, putting in danger the jobs.

Indeed, resolution 090603, establishes that the mixed company can export 50% of its production, previous consultation to the BCV.

In this Venrus sense, cradle in the South of Bolivar, is one of the mixed companies of gold. The capital of this company, shares between the Venezuelan State and a Russian group.

The first mining forum

In this respect, the directory of Venrus summoned to a forum on mining and community, to be realised in the house of the culture of the Pebble, event that was suspended because a heavy shower that untied during afternoon, prevented the attendance of tie people with the industry, whom would hear and set out criteria related to this sector.

The organization of the event was in charge of Briceño Morning call, representative of the management of communitarian relations.

She is possible to emphasize that the moment went profiteer to present the chorale the company. The chorale, directed by professor Cherry Ortunez, did his first presentations

The gold continues being safest

We talk with Luis Medina, manager of strategic planning of Venrus, that expressed that at this moment and motivated to certain variants of the world-wide economy, the gold is the element certainly find the investors more.

- In front to the fall of the value of the dollar - the gold said looks for to follow itself strengthening, because in addition, the industry continues increasing its demand. In both last years their prices have had an important rise.

Taking into account the exposed thing by Medina, this editor managed to inquire in another source, that during the last week, the ounce troy of gold, got in the international markets to quote in more than 1,250 dollars.

One of the markets that are exceptionally active, is the one of the India that today happens to be, the consuming gold major.

The reason of this unusual demand obeys to the high demand of the electronic industry and to the variants that arise in the social relation.

In the marriages, the man always is used to paying the dowry to the father of the fianc2ee. Previously, the fianc2e took a gift to his future father-in-law, but now a high demand, increased with the increasing article use has prevailed who that gift is in gold, bringing consequently to dress.

To tie with the social responsibility

Meanwhile, Yaliangelica Briceño, executive director of Venrus, consider that the new reality, are that the mining industralist adopts, in greater degree, criteria of social responsibility, “so that the communities demand major control on quality of atmosphere, information on their activities, use of good quality and the corresponding communitarian contribution”.

It refers the social exhibitor who “the aspect related to the mining, like the payment of exemptions, fairness in the distribution of benefits and the mitigation of social impacts on the communities, happens to be base in the strategic decisions of the companies”. It also comments that the Venrus company has developed excellent relations with the community where operates.

Mining projects and viable development

The mining projects can serve the viable development if they are realised so that they can constitute long term capacities, consolidate the local communities and preserve or to rehabilitate the ecosystems - Yaliangelica Briceño- expressed, meaning that the social and economic relations between the mining and the viable development, must be understood in terms of the capital conversion, of a form or another one.

Social component

Our interviewed person mentions in her exhibition the necessary entailment of the company of gold with the social component, indicating that she is an obligation, to maintain the social responsibility in the auriferous mining, including the mining of small scale.

She considers that we are against a challenge makes specific and it of the following way:

The challenge of the mining, is to assure its contribution to the well-being the society and the ecosystems. The extraction must be fit to the development, to advance in the culture, the language and the history of the community, with the communication abierta in the communities, corporative reputation, entailment of people to the economic development, uses of appropriate technologies to avoid injurious impacts, and others.

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