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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Re: BCV authorizes the mixed industry to export 50% of gold

Jimmy, I was wondering why no one else was relating to this revelation the same as you just stated, and I was just going to write.

I thought most here have realized that this is one of the major reasons why we have not seen any resolution, for the reasons you stated. As well, it is very telling that they didn't include the artisan/independant miners in this change. It was SPECIFICALLY aimed at the large JV companies, which likely will be mostly foriegn.

I can see no other reason for this change, other than to specifically get more foriegn money interested in mining gold in VZ, and very likely aimed at the only company that has a mine ready to develop, and is in the midst of negotiations.

This is a very very important step, and truly means that the wheels are beginning to turn with more purpose.

One other observation.......Everyone who has posted about the change in control of CVG, and the one which I can't recall this moment, as negative, and just more 'promotions' and making the road to success more difficult.I actually saw it completely opposite. I looked at it as getting rid of the old guard, who have been resisting change, and have been locked in a a power struggle with those that want to change things so that mining CAN ACTUALLY BE STARTED. It may very well mean that the replacements won't have all these connections with old cronies, and will have very specific instructions to move the process forward, and with some urgency.

From all we've seen in the last few month's, it has felt like Chavez want's the gold mined finally, that a process was being put in place to organize that resource, and I just don't see these changes being made for benign reasons. I think it is more likely a case of..." thanks for all you've done, here's a nice plum position, now get out of the way so we can really get this going".

JMHO pen

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