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Crystallex International Corporation is a Canadian-based gold company with a successful record of developing and operating gold mines in Venezuela and elsewhere in South America

Message: Re: BCV authorizes the mixed industry to export 50% of gold

This could be the final event needed to seal any deal for Kry.

It doesn't matter if we're dealing with the Chinese, Russians, Barrick or Hugo himself, it was very difficult to make money under the old sales rule. Nobody would touch Kry without the permit and ability to sell gold at the true spot price.

It has been apparent for awhile now that the only way LC was going to be mined was through a JV type arrangement with VZ. Kry is more than willing to enter into such an arrangement. The question of whether Kry sells the MOC, forms a partnership with another entity to become the JV partner with VZ or goes it alone would always be tied to how much is Kry worth when gold sales we're being restricted.

This new BCV resolution opens the door for not only companies to make money by redceiving spot prices, it opens the door for mining companies to obtain financing backed by real gold sales.

RF at the AGM didn't seem to have any worries about the old BCV resolution when it was announced. I've said for a long time that vz dealing with Grz was going to hold Kry up. Perhaps RF new that the BCV resolution would be changed after Grz files for arbitration. Grz used the BCV resolution as part of their claim.

No matter how we look at it this new resolution has opened the door for whoever mines LC in a JV with VZ to make huge profits. Let's hope it is us or at least the potential is recognized in any buyout offer.

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