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Offering innovative healthcare that provides body and mind wellness for patients through its clinics with digital and telemedicine

Message: Q & A

1. Are you able to confirm if the recent repeat order is related to the Disney production that was reported as the Initial 1000 test order in October and subsequent 9000 test order in November, or has the Disney contract allowed you to get access to other film and tv studios by connection?

2.  Can you update us on the the status of the 'deal pipeline', what areas or industries might be of greatest focus or opportunity for Empower/Kai?  Are you engaged with any resorts and/or cruise lines, etc?

3. There is some confusion as to the reported run rates of specimens processed and how patient visits are counted.  Are the test run rate numbers all covid PCR specimens originating from various Empower/KAI sales/contracts, excluding tests from any of the separately noted orders of 5k/25k/50k  ?  Are both 'clinic' patient visits and 'covid test'  patients included in the 26k reported?  Or does this represent only clinic patient visits?

Thank you to the entire Empower team! 

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