Positioned To Be A Leader In The Integrated Healthcare Space

Offering innovative healthcare that provides body and mind wellness for patients through its clinics with digital and telemedicine

Message: Re: VIDEO - Empower Clinics CERES Initiative Full Steam Ahead To Manage 1.2M Passengers 2022. More Chess Moves Reveal US Clinic and NASDAQ Goals

Everything discussed in the question and answer video is there for him to verify by watching the video again. The problem that shareholders have is that there is no follow-through. Regarding the Clinic Acquisitions and Clinic openings I will post where in the video you can find what was said.

"In the Q&A first question dealt with the Clinic Acquisitions, (2, Sudbury, and greater Toronto area) . This is discussed at the 35:00 -the 36:00 mark. Answer was that they are literally sign ready and could be done literally within days.

The question about clinic openings is discussed between 36:50 and 39:10. Eglinton location could very well be announced by the end of February. We also will have a grand opening get together for this location and maybe another in London,  Ontario."

Since that video was made on February 22, 2022, how many days have passed? Does it coinside with staments made by Steven McAuley? 

Review the video and then come and blame me if you have a reason to do so. 

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