Leveling the playing field between online retail giants and brick & mortar businesses

Message: Worth Discussing

Just wanted to put my two cents in regarding the concerns with Can Invest. The way I see it, he has every right to ask the questions he has been asking. We all have different levels of risk tolerance and the need for information and while his level of comfort in Loop is different than mine, that doesn't preclude his right to get the information he needs to increase his investment. If his questions are redundant and have already been answered by Rob, I have no doubts Rob will point that out and move on. We don't need to protect Rob from the questions someone wants to ask. He can most definitely handle it himself. So I am very much against a call to have him removed from the forum! He has just as much right as anyone to ask his questions and I'm always open to hearing what Rob has to say. You can ALWAYS learn something from him regardless of the question. You also have the option of not reading his posts or the thread related to his posts.  The only thing I would encourage everyone on this forum to do is be patient. Yes it has been awhile since Rob last responded, but no one works harder than he does so if he isn't responding, it only means he is busy busting his ass growing the company. I think we can all agree that takes precedence. You are free to disagree with me. I have no problems with that. Different views make life more interesting!

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