Developing Bellechasse-­Timmins Gold Deposit

New Discovery Resulting in a 20KM Mineralized Gold Belt

Message: My First Site Visit
Dec 04, 2010 03:13PM
Dec 04, 2010 04:55PM
Dec 04, 2010 05:06PM
Dec 04, 2010 05:08PM
Dec 04, 2010 07:03PM
Dec 04, 2010 07:20PM
Dec 04, 2010 07:36PM
Dec 04, 2010 07:53PM
Dec 04, 2010 07:56PM
Dec 04, 2010 08:32PM

Dec 04, 2010 09:39PM
Dec 04, 2010 09:52PM
Dec 04, 2010 10:19PM
Dec 05, 2010 10:15AM
Dec 05, 2010 10:27AM
Dec 05, 2010 10:30AM
Dec 05, 2010 11:09AM

I've been an investor in GNH for just over 6 months and I had previously met with and chat regularly with Frank and Sasha. The last piece of DD that I felt was necessary to validate my position was to make a site visit.

The largest take away for me was getting a chance to chat with all of the field crew, consulting geologists and general staff. I always get a very good feeling when talking with Frank and Sasha and they always re-affirm my thoughts but that's there job. When talking with Danny and Paul and Frank Glass, you get the exact same message but you also get the exact same excitement. The people associated with this project truly are excited about what we have and that's very telling about what they think/know they have in the ground.

My biggest issue when going through all the news releases and analyzing all the maps that have been put on the website was trying to grasp the actual size of this potential deposit. There's much talk of the potential for a 20km gold belt but until you're standing at Timmins looking one way to Beland and one way to Laval's, you can't fully grasp just how big this is. I was blown away by the size of T1, T2, 88 etc, but to think that we could have 10 or 20 of these deposits on our property is mind boggling.

The other thing that jumped out at me was the shear size of the bulk samples that were taken. Being able to see the exposed trenches and how much of the deposit they actually cover was exciting. We should be getting some very valuable information when these results come back and its very easy to see that we will be adding significant tonnage should we continue to return 2g-3g.

We all know the issues that we have been having with the delays but it was comforting to see that the company is continuing to plug away on the exploration side of things and that even though we've all been waiting for results, they're continuing to do their jobs of advancing this project. I agree with many that we should be returning to T1/T2/88 to firm up that resource first but I got the impression that the SGH tests that were run on Laval's were so compelling that by drilling and hitting mineralization we will be validating our blue sky potential and that hopefully the market will assign a more meaningful value to that.

I want to thank Frank, Sasha, Danny, Frank Glass and all the other visitors for their patience and insight.

Again, holding and adding with confidence and I can't wait to see what the next 12 months bring!!!


Dec 05, 2010 03:09PM
Dec 07, 2010 01:09AM
Dec 07, 2010 11:43AM
Dec 07, 2010 12:01PM
Dec 07, 2010 12:16PM
Dec 07, 2010 02:18PM
Dec 07, 2010 02:24PM
Dec 07, 2010 03:17PM
Dec 08, 2010 02:28PM
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