an Augmented Reality Company that enables businesses to create their own mobile phone AR campaigns with no programming or technology experience

Clients Include: Baltimore Ravens, McCormick, Shoppers Drug Mart, Grubhub Sound Bites and Many More

Message: How do you plan to raise your share price and influence investors to invest in ImagineAR over the next several years?

It does speak volume that the company is providing access, however be careful where that access isn't just an opportunity to bash versus meaningful dialog. I know that there are rules for this board, but meaningful dialog means having content and unfortunately there isn't new content.

Partnership are great but they are still in the development of a product phase. I would like nothing more than to be able to share with other potential future investors that Company X has generated $$$ from using this company regardless of the profit size as any increased revenue give context. So far just forward thinking comments. 

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