Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: Re: Highest rated post ever by Bananaboy from 2009 Cambridge Conference - KWG
Sep 27, 2009 02:29PM
Sep 27, 2009 08:16PM
Sep 28, 2009 03:06AM

Thanks for digging that post up, 96klite, from way back in 2009. I remember the excitement I felt, hearing what the guys had to say, learning about chromite, about the ROF, and all the possibilities.

Yet things have changed so little in 5 years. We are still in close touch with that 5cent share price, though with more shares outstanding (close to double that 2009 number), and the vision remains solid. I think we all, especially Mo & Frank, know quite a bit more about railways and smelters than back then, and we all see CLF a little differently.

I wish I'd had more faith in the years since, and put more into KWG instead of some of the dogs I've lost money on, but I have shares I bought around that time, plus a few more, and things are developing now.

I remember how some disparaged the value of chromite, of the size and potential for long term mining, of the sheer possibilities.

Now I think few discount the value of the ROF deposits, and the economic benefits to all which will come when we finally "get it right" and DO Something.

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