Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: Re: KWG: the chromite mouse that roars!!

You're right squasher, nor did he bring up the easement decision...but...I think that Frank is very smart, very strategic in that he might not have wanted to reveal too much to the enemy and as such leave them drowning in their Arrogance and Ignorance...i.e. AI which in their case we can interpret literally.

I think that when your enemy is fudging up royally, you shouldn't do anything to educate them about their wayward ways... it is much better to let them

1. back themselves into a corner;

2. cut their own throats;

3. blow themsleves up;

4. beat themselves up;

5. spiral into bankruptcy; and/or

6. all of the above.

Best of luck to all KWG longs

Pear3 the your alias a reference to your cooking skills with gourds or your skills in a box court with a racquet?? hahaha :)

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