Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: Re: KWG: the chromite mouse that roars!!

"This needs to get onto BNN. I know that Frank was on BNN a couple of weeks ago but the background as explained in this article was not brought up."

To my knowledge, this is the first time we see a report stating the real facts, as it should be: a disguised expropriation attempt from a greedy partner. Thanks to Stan Studol for finally digging the facts!

As Le Penseur said, Frank Smeenk is a very clever and bright man. No doubt. He resisted bringing the 'felony' himself, which would have showed weakness, and hardly knit a brow anyways... But now the rip-off story is coming out from the Press, and Frank can start to answer the questions solidly rather than whining faintly. I do expect to see Frank Smeenk on BNN again pretty soon.


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