Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: Re: Proposed Capital Reorganization: Another View

..."I do not believe this is the right time for this 300 to 1."

Hi flyby.

Can you explain in your own words, what "this 300 to 1" is really, from your point of view? Independant from the idea that today is or isn't the "right time" to do it.

My request is not an attempt to trap you in any way, but sincerily, I want to understand why a retail investor like you and me would think that the operation proposed by KWG's Management may be harmful to us.

Again, it is not a RS or Share Consolidation but rather a device to amalgamate shares in a portfolio without changing the attached voting nor participating rights... The number of "shells" will change (most of retail will keep their 1-share shells, and institutions would hold theirs in 300-shares shells) but the number of the "shareholding rights" (votes and participation) will remain untouched!

Thanks in advance!


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