Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: Ottawa outlines eligibility for companies seeking $1.5B in critical minerals infrastructure funding

Re: Ottawa outlines eligibility for companies seeking $1.5B in critical minerals infrastructure funding

posted on Nov 09, 2023 07:27PM

so do I, not tons, but millions, have been accumulating since 2008


you dont hear me  complaining


like i said, stop complaining on a company you own shares of


if you are not happy sell, and bring it back down to 005, i will buy them all up from you

its that simple


some of us understand the games being played, by the powers that ought not to be , to take all of the goodies in the ROF for themselves, and their friends


be lucky frank was always one step or possibly two steps ahead of them at all times


time is coming, but if you cant stay quiet and say something positive, then sell your shares and be happier



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