Massive Black Horse Chromite Discovery

Black Horse deposit has an Inferred Resource Now 85.9 Million Tonnes @ 34.5%

Message: Ottawa outlines eligibility for companies seeking $1.5B in critical minerals infrastructure funding

Re: Ottawa outlines eligibility for companies seeking $1.5B in critical minerals infrastructure funding

posted on Nov 10, 2023 04:24PM


i am not a schill, or paid by the company

what i do "believe"(and i hope that word in quotes, soothes your anxiety) is that if Frank and kwg didnt have things lined up and set up, they would have sold a long , long, long time ago, for them to be holding on this long, is cause they have always been one or two steps ahead of everyone else

as for why i am not buying at these levels, well, my average over millions of shares is 1.85 cents, so why would i buy high


im waiting for you to stop your whining, sell your so called "tons" and make it go to .005 so i can scoop your shares


and take your own advice, no need to reply...LMAO


just SELL SELL SELL and leave this board and others alone with your nonescense, or are you a paid schill trying to discourage and cause problems for the share holders of this company?

wait i take that back, as that is a question, and i and im sure everyone else here, like me, does not want to hear anything else from you


so sell and be gone, or stay quiet  and hold onto your investment


thank you



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