Message: Oversupply effect on the Wannabees

Pavel:  "At the moment, Lithium is out of favour. They need to close all those money loosing mines first, to make a change. That is not going to happen at current price."

I couldn't agree more, at the moment Lithium is out of favor.

It was the next part of your post that really caught my attention:  "Then need to close all those money loosing (losing) mines first, to make a change.  That is not going to happen at current price."

Just consider the current effect on Lithium Wannabees that have not secured all of the government approvals and completed the environmental studies, all of those potential Lithium mining companies that are way behind in the horse race where LAC and LAAC are actually in the "home stretch" relative to a myriad of poorly financed companies that bathe in the glow of journalists articles that promote them as the "next best thing" in the world of lithium mining when, in fact, most of them are still dealing with the developmental obstacles that LAC and LAAC overcame some time ago.  How is it that these companies, still in development, are going to attract top talent in the field of lithium mining, come up with the money from investors to overcome the expense of meeting one governmental sand trap after another and still attract big money from institutional players when Morgan Stanley and the like continue to puke up the same message to potential investors:  "Lithium is dead, Lithium is DEAD!"?

If you consider this as a horse race between different potential lithium mining companies to the finish line, and it is, then you must analyze the current position of all the individual players within that horse race.  

We aren't "down to the wire" yet, but of all the horses in the lineup there are only a few that have made it to the "Home Stretch". LAC and LAAC are among that few.

The current situation, when viewed in the larger aspect, encourages me to believe that evolution will play a strong hand in this horse race and that the race to financial success amongst all the horses listed on the program will ultimately prove positive the concept of "Survival of the Fittest", and ONLY the Fittest.  

Your words, Pavel:  "They need to close all those money loosing mines first, to make a change"

I truly believe that first part of your analysis is prescient, Pavel.  That first part makes you a genuine Truthsayer of preeminent stature.

However, the second part of your prognostication ("That is not going to happen at current price") calls into question your ability to read the Tarot cards and decipher the Tea leaves.  

Where do we find out what agony the "current price" is wrecking on the vast field of Wannabees?  

Could it really be easy for them to gain new investors in the "current price" situation, especially from institutional investors?  How long will misguided "journalists" continue to expound the financial future of such companies when those companies continue to rack up developmental debts and have increasing difficulties vying for capturing a limited field of lithium mining experts and gaining sufficient confidence of equipement suppliers that they will even be in business, instead of bankruptcy, 6 months from now.

How many deep pocket investors toying with the idea of investing in a lithium company in development really believe that the price of lithium carbonate and/or lithium hydroxide on any lithium market in the world, China or the Lithium Triangle or Australia, will be 20% higher 6 months from now and that belief inspires that deep pocket investor to deny what the market "current price" is telling him and so he will decide to hold his nose, cover his eyes and plug up his ears and take the plunge and invest in Wannabee #324 in the hopes that this horse, still stuck in the starting gate, will be able to catch up to LAC and LAAC in the final stretch before the two of them cross the finish line, eh?

I can't pontificate my own viewpoint on this horse race with absolute certainty.  Obviously I have the right to be totally wrong in my world view about the future of how this race will end.  "The shoot horses, don't they?"

LAC and LAAC could still be shot, but barring their early demise I do believe that eventually the price of lithium, whether in China, in Europe, in Argentina, in Australia or in Mozambique, will bottom out and start moving the needle back in an upward direction.  How far "UP" I don't know, but the more Wannabees that die on the wayside in the Survival of the Fittest then the more rewards will accrue to those horses who actually cross the finish line.

JMO, nothing more and worth no more than anyone elses opinion.  

The fundamental question that is critical to the success of my own prognostication is:  What is the future of lithium on the world stage in the next 10 years as it applies to the most important uses of lithium in the market place?  Lots of "journalists" will be writing pieces predicated on their own belief that EVs using lithium batteries are DEAD.

If they are correct in their prognostications then my thesis is absolutely worthless in all sense of the word, especially financially.

The weaning of the Wannabees away from the Golden Chalice will take place regardless of whether or not Lithium is DEAD, it would just take place exponentially faster should lithium as part of an expanding market for EVs also be dead.  On the other hand, if EVs and lithium batteries continue to arise from the almost present ashes like the Phoenix then Happy Days are Here Again.

We won't know till the Fat Lady Sings and she is at the microphone saying "Test, Test, Test" right now.


Jack Hylton - Happy Days Are Here Again (1930) (


Onward through the FOG!



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