Message: Re: Oversupply effect on the Wannabees

It is about as easy to find articles negative on the future of Lithium battery powered EVs as it is to find journalists covering the world of pop music who have written or are in the process of writing articles about Taylor Swift.

Swift seems to have somehow dislodged the previous preoccupation of these paid wordsmiths from anything of the "Kardashian" persuasion to anything directly or even remotely linked to Swiftism.

Times and focus changes.

Going back to the subject of Lithium batteries as related to the future of Electric Vehicles, I was able to come up with surprisingly a few articles that paint a more positive future for Electric Vehicles and, by inference, Lithium batteries.

To wit:

How electric vehicles will shape the future (

Here's the state of U.S. EV adoption in 2024 - Autoblog

The electric car revolution is on track, says IEA | CNN Business

10 Predictions About Electric Cars In 2030 And Beyond (

Maybe, just maybe, all is not Gloom and Doom in Mudville after all.  Maybe Casey at bat will hit the ball out of the park.  Maybe... maybe not.  Time will tell, here in Mudville.


Onward through the FOG!



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