Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: I am going to PROCRASTINATE my stress

    Thanks Cherry..................I took an Marshall Sylver seminar last year.......I get his e-mails everyday.........I just decided to listen to his internet radio show for the first time..................He says if you know something is going to come up that will stress you just put it off/the thought..........

    The car business has been real slow the past 3 weeks.....Wholesale prices at the auction have dropped to such an extent that very few buyers are raising their hands...........Of course if retail was strong at home the buyers would be out at the auction...............So it has been a good year so far and i have been stressing about the past 3 weeks..............

    Look i want to make alot of loot here and i have to procrastate my stress at the same time..................Answer , Did DD and lucky to have better DD than i could ever find right here on this thread................What will be will be..............Larry

Oct 25, 2007 07:29PM
Oct 25, 2007 07:45PM
Oct 25, 2007 09:44PM
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