Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: IMO.. We all know what we've got to do ..Shboomer..
Nov 18, 2011 04:40PM

Why do so many people here feel that the SEC will be a solution to what is wrong with PTSC?

What evidence is there that PTSC has violated any rules, let alone any laws?

TPL is privately held. Will the SEC have any desire to get involved with a contractual agreement between TPL and PTSC? I would not think so.

I believe that people may be aiming at the wrong target. I do feel that the Board of Directors is a good target and I would like to see more openess and positve results from them. The first thing that I would like to see is a LARGE reduction in salary until they can show meaingful results. How can we force down their salaries?

When shareholders keep asking for any SEC investigation they just may be throwing gasoline at a house that is on fire , in my opinion.

Emotion is high, but emotion often causes people to say or do things that wind up being harmful to them. Might we be doing that now?

I feel the signing of a new license is a positve step. Will there be more soon? Isn't it in TPL's best interest to sign as many licenses as they can as soon as they can? How does anyone win if discord and chaos is the order of the day?

Some time ago shareholder changed how board members were reelected. What happens now if board members are not reelected?

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