Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: IMO.. We all know what we've got to do ..Shboomer..
Nov 18, 2011 04:40PM

What evidence is there that PTSC has violated any rules, let alone any laws?

Until we have an investigation it is all circumstantial! Isn't that how most cases start you smell smoke you start looking and wondering what it could be then you see smoke and now it is time to act. How the heck are some of these longs still on board with the BOD and TPL is puzzling. A year and half ago I smelled smoke but argued against the so called bashers and truth sayers because I really beleived that after the re-exams we would have our day in the sun. Now after the ASM meeting in CHI and then the virtual ASM and the funny dealings with DL and the lawsuits and how we have been kept in the virtual dark. Bring on the SEC, the DA, the private shareholders attorneys. I'd rather go down fighting tooth and nail. I wonder how many Madoff victims were talked out of acting when they smelled smoke because they were afraid it would somehow harm their investment. The truth will set us free one way or the other. We need action. IMO


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