Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: ridiculous talk of ownership.. What is ridiculous is the superficial

understanding and conspiratorial thinking by many on this Board that anyone needs to bash this just about 3 cent stock of a company that can't get out of it's own stumbling way, just so they can buy shares at a lower price ? Grow up. If you believe that, sell everything you own and buy every share you can get.

Let me make this simple for you. We are a co-patent holder, period.

That said, prior to 1999 and even into the early 2000s, the company and it's investors believed we owned the entire bundle of patent rights exclusive of anyone else; it's in the filings, read them.

As it turned out, until we concluded the litigation with Fish that involved PTSC paying something like several million shares, several million dollars, and exposure for millions of more dollars, our patent interest via Fish was in genuine jeopardy. I don't recall exactly, but I think that case finally settled only in 2004.

As we all know, our presumed patent ownership via Moore's interests vanished completely around that time too. So whatever Rights we thought we got from Moore, were Zilch, zero, nada.

So there you have it .. After thinking they owned the entire patents and promoting a public company around them, PTSC was truly, potentially, in danger of not having ANY rights, not Moore's, and not Fish's, to any of the MMP Patents; even as late as 2004.

That should make every PTSC investor Blink a few times !

This is my opinion of events as I recall them, confirm the dates and information for yourselfs.

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