Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: ridiculous talk of ownership.. What is ridiculous is the superficial

Hi.! Caney

Back in '06', ,,,,,!!!

There were some who were convinced that the MMP contained valuable PATENTS.

They purchased large blocks of shares, at, (What turned out to be) A very HIGH S/P.

They are NOW trying to BUY and SELL, to LOWER their COST BASIS..

That effort requires that the S/P drop precipitously..To that end they are putting out

proaganda, (FUD),to help drive out any who are easily persuaded..

That's all that we are seeing NOW. Nothing more than that.!!!

After all is said and done, there has NOT been any real NEWS that would cause anyone to suddenly decide to SELL..

Brighter days AWAIT US.. IMO

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